New competencies in current environments
Versión Español
In the current environment we are already experiencing the change towards organizational models of work that were difficult to conceive a few years ago.
We are moving from vertical and hierarchical structures to matrix and led structures. Multidisciplinary work teams, with agile methodologies that eliminate bureaucracy, unilateral decisions and silos are imposed on micro-controlled, limited and not very innovative teams.
And this brings transformation in the whole business ecosystem, in the organization itself, but especially in talent and culture.
The culture of organizations is adapting to this change, not in all at the same speed. The impulse must be promoted from the higher levels to guarantee a minimum success.
In many cases, talent is not aligned with the needs of transformation, not so much because of the lack of knowledge, but especially because of professional and personal skills.
When we ask about the future of the professions that we currently know, I think that all, absolutely all will undergo this transformation. In some cases, this disruption is seen much more clearly, but none will be left behind. And when we ask ourselves this question, what we really should be thinking is what competences (and not positions) we are going to require.
What are the skills and competences required in the new professions?
Increasingly, organizations measure talent in terms of potential, not knowledge or age, not even in terms of past successes. Some of the key indicative factors when evaluating this potential are determination, commitment and consistency.
In a changing world, there is an ongoing struggle to transform highly crystallized models, in which determination and perseverance are essential.
Commitment, not only referred to an own value but how we are able to generate this commitment.
And consistency, as a source of trust and credibility. In addition, this consistency in the environments we face will be fundamental when executing the transformative vision for our organization.
The day to day cannot prevent from transformation, cannot prevail over the strategy. The excuses indicative of the great lack of vision, are no longer useful: "there are other priorities, there are no resources, the process works as it is", ...
We need more disruptive minds in organizations, more strategic vision, more alignment between talent and the change that is already happening.
To these competences I would add the capacity for adaptation, innovation and reinvention of oneself, as organizations will require internal entrepreneurs able to face different challenges, situations and internal requirements, constantly leaving their comfort zone. People working in multidisciplinary teams, leaders who are capable of managing these teams, breaking the eternal boss-employee relationship, and converting it into a leader, facilitator, collaborator relationship. Embedded in matrix structures in which the controlling boss already has no place, in which people who do not know how to adapt no longer survive. Nor will those managers who do not have transformative vision and know how to transmit it, generate the commitment of the teams to facilitate this transformation, who do not align themselves with a facilitating, matrix, integrating and communicative culture, who want to maintain controlled silos outside this integrative vision.
As we see, a lot to do, a lot of change to manage, so ... let's start with ourselves.